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Company Incentives in Spain 2022 💸💸

Company incentives in Spain 2022 💸💸

When deciding to start a new business or economic activity, entrepreneurs often have a common problem: lack of liquidity. Because of this, starting a business is a challenge.

There are company incentives to alleviate the costs of starting a business in Spain. However, many are unknown or are simply difficult to apply for. Therefore, in this post, we bring you a summary of the different and most relevant company incentives programs for entrepreneurs and startups in Spain in 2022. 

Company incentives programs in Spain.

👉 Incentives for self-employed

If you are going to start your professional activity as a self-employed, it is convenient that you know that if you meet some requirements you can benefit from a reduced rate in your Social Security contributions. This aid and incentive for entrepreneurs is one of the most recognized at the moment.

This 2022, the flat rate is 60 euros per month, a quite reduced figure if compared to the 294 euros per month that is the minimum rate this year. It will be granted during the first 12 months of the beginning of your activity. The rate then continues to be subsidized at 50% during the first six months of the second year and at 30% for the last six months of the second year.

You can apply for the flat rate at the moment of registration as self-employed in the RETA (“Régimen de Trabajadores Autónomos”) at the Social Security.


  • Being the first time that you register as a self-employed person or not having been registered in the last two years. 
  • If you have already benefited from the flat rate, at least three years must have elapsed since you de-registered from the system.
  • Not being an employee of a company (only freelancer/self-employed).
  • Not to have debts with social security.

Some communities, such as Madrid, extend this aid for up to 12 months if you meet certain requirements.

Incentives for entrepreneur women 👯‍♀️

– Self-employed women 🦸‍♀️

In addition to the flat rate for self-employed, there are cases in which women entrepreneurs can benefit from the following benefits.

  • Rate reductions applied to the common contingencies rate. A reduction of 30% is applied for a maximum of 36 months.
  • Child bonus (100% of the contribution on the average contribution base before maternity leave. Minimum of one month’s duration and can be applied during the entire period of maternity leave.

– Innovatia 8.3 👩‍🔬

Aimed at older women who are going to start a business in the technological or scientific sector. It also offers training and support opportunities for women with a track record in the business world.

Desafío Mujer Rural microcredits are aimed at promoting entrepreneurship in the rural sector.

Digital kit 👨‍💻

Regarding the company incentives for the digitalization of companies, the so-called digital kit has been created. This initiative is aimed at promoting the implementation of digital solutions in companies. This company incentives program is intended to benefit those who have not started or are in the digitization steps. 

The aid is granted through a digital bonus of between 2,000 and up to 12,000 euros that you can use for digital solutions that you consider appropriate for your business. For example, you can use it for invoicing or customer management software, depending on your needs. The duration of the aid will be 12 months. 

Self-employed, micro, and small-medium companies will be able to benefit from this aid. For the time being, since March 2022, aid is being granted to companies with between 10 and 49 employees. This will be followed by the micro-enterprise segment and finally by the self-employed, although the dates of the calls have yet to be confirmed.

To obtain the company incentive, you must first take a self-assessment test.

Andalusia, for example, also has aid for entrepreneurs aimed at the self-employed and SMEs for investments in digitalization. An aid of €6,000 is granted for use in digital marketing, software, hardware, and robotics.

Capitalization of the unemployment benefit 💰

The capitalization of unemployment benefits is a company incentives program aimed at promoting self-employment for people who are receiving unemployment benefits at the contributory level. A lump-sum payment is made and must be used for one of the following activities:

  • Self-employed 
  • Incorporation of commercial companies
  • Becoming a partner or employee in a cooperative
  • Become an employee or member of a labor company

Once the single payment has been received, the applicant has a period of one month to start the activity.

As main requirements, the applicant must be a beneficiary of a contributory unemployment benefit for total and definitive termination of an employment relationship. At the time of applying for the benefit, at least three monthly payments must be pending. You can obtain more information on the SEPE website.

Enisa Lines 💳

Also, there is the option of the Enisa lines, which are lines of credit granted by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. These are credits aimed at small and medium-sized companies with innovative projects. The company incentives are granted in the form of participative loans.

They have 5 different types of credits depending on the solicitor’s situation:

  • Young entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Growth
  • Agriculture sector
  • Digital entrepreneurs 

The amounts vary between 25,000 and 1,5000 €, with grace periods of 5 to 7 years. 

If you are interested in other credit line options, there is also the so-called “Líneas ICO”. As they are loans, entrepreneurs with little liquidity usually ignore them, but it is also important to know that they exist as an alternative. More information on ICO loans.

Regional aids and benefits 🆘

Remember that there are many autonomous communities that grant aid to their residents. That is why we recommend that you look specifically for company incentives programs for the region in which you live, or in which you intend to develop your activity. 

Aids for young entrepreneurs 💪

Aids and incentives aimed at young entrepreneurs also vary depending on the region. At the state level (Spanish government), apart from the aforementioned aids that sometimes have specific modalities for the youngest, there are no aids/incentives aimed exclusively at young people. 

You can access the complete list of company incentives programs in the regions of Madrid and Barcelona by clicking on the following links (only Spanish version available):

How to apply for aids and incentives for entrepreneurs? 🤔

Keep in mind that regardless of these types of company incentives you want to apply for, it is most likely that the processing can be done electronically and for this you will need a digital certificate. It is important that you anticipate and take into account the deadlines since there are company incentives that have fixed deadlines for their concession. 

At Luxton Legal, we will help you to find and process the company incentives you need. Contact us to discuss your case and we’ll be happy to guide you!

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